The Missouri Community Doula Council firmly believes in the following:

  • 1 Every family has a right to have access to doulas and coverage for services. Low income, vulnerable, immigrant and marginalized women and birthing people are more likely to have negative birthing experiences and outcomes. Doula care services can be life saving for them and should be covered by Missouri Medicaid and private insurance. 
  • 2 Every future doula has a right to choose the doula training entity to train and certify through. Missouri has over 10 doula training offerings in the state for future doulas to choose from. MCDC will highlight Missouri Doula Trainings on its website, creating equitable access. 
  • 3 Every doula has a right to choose to certify or not to certify after completing a training.
  • 4 Every doula has a right to choose how to provide care: as an independent-private practice doula or to work with a doula collective, or for a doula agency.
  • 5 Every doula has a right to access education and training advancing their skill to self-bill for private and state Medicaid/MCO coverage and reimbursement for doula services.
  • 6 Every doula has a right to choose to be credentialed through any entity and to have that entity process private insurance and/or state Medicaid/ MCO billing on their behalf.
  • 7 Every doula has a right to choose not to enroll in state Medicaid or private insurance reimbursement and to opt for self-pay options only.
  • 8 Every doula has a right to choose if they’d like to be a part of a local, statewide and/or National doula registry or directory.

MCDC is excited to offer these needed services to our communities across the state, and stand firmly committed to serving Missouri doulas. We welcome you to learn more about MCDC's pioneering work and join the change.

Doula trainers and maternal health continuing education providers can email to have their training, workshops and classes listed.